Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Are We Brainwashing Our KIds?

We are big fans of the University of Oklahoma. In fact, our whole family is except my brother in-law, but that is for another blog. Some might say that we are die hard fans. It is not uncommon for my kids to request the OU fight song as soon as we get in the car. The windows have to stay up because they want it turned up as loud as I will let them. Over the blaring band I can hear my 19 month old yell GO GO GO GO.... Along with his finger in the air. My oldest son will not wear anything orange. "He doesn't like that color?", you ask. Well not exactly it is the color of another state school which will remain nameless and Texas. The other day we went to an area drive-in, kinda of like Sonic, and they had all the Big 12 school banners hanging from each booth. My kids were in the back seat screaming "can't park there that says OSU or there that says Texas Tech", etc. etc. Thankfully we found an open one that read OU. You know you may be brainwashing your children when at a school party your daughter refuses to eat the cookie because the cookies say OSU and she says her mommy and daddy would not be happy. All I can say to all of this is I can't wait till football season. GO OU!!!!


WSU Laura said...

I am doing the same thing with our kids here in WA. They now tell people, "Purple bad (U of W), red good (WSU)". And their night time lullabye was the fight song.

Melissa said...

Hilarious! I assure you my children will be brain washed at a young age as well to be Auburn fans. I only hope I can do as good a job at it as you seem to have done.

SLC said...


SLC said...


Sisters with Style said...

This one's really easy: Yes, you are brainwashing your children (and bragging about it). Go Pokes

Sisters with Style said...

OK--I didn't post that last comment. It appears as if Big H was being a little sneaky last night....

Head Hen said...

I wasn't permitted home during some college weekends as I went to the rival school to where my parents attended.

We are soooo teaching all of our kids to yell *touchdown!!!* when we play that OTHER school!

MMM said...

So funny! I know my finace will have our future children Rolling Tide before they can say "Mom" and "Dad."

Sarahviz said...

My Hubby is the same with our boyz and the Red Sox. They all say, "Boo Yankees" and "Yankees stink". They're not allowed to say "Yankees suck" until they're at least 13. Ha ha.

hqm said...

So funny...tonight at dinner my husband told our girls (ages 8, 7, and 4) that they CANNOT date/merry a Cowboys fan!