Monday, April 30, 2007

Francie Pants

If you know or have a daughter who wears dresses all the time, then Francie Pants are for them. My daughter is always doing flips or cart wheels with her dresses on and these are perfect to wear underneath. They are especially handy when she goes to school or church and they have to sit on the floor. In fact, one day we got to school without our Francie Pants and I had to turn around and head back home to retrieve them.

Baby Blend Tees

How about buying something for your child that you know is not made from anything harmful and was not made in a harmful way. Baby Blend Tees are 100% organic and made sweat-shop free. Plus, they are really cute and witty. I personally like the "Later Skater" tee. On an added note, 10% of all internet sales are donated to the Sanyu Babies Home in Uganda, Africa. I always feel good about purchasing items from stores like this because I know I'm doing something relatively good and dressing my children in clothes from a store that, well, for lack of a better term, gives a damn.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mother's Day Hint #4

What mom doesn't like jewelry for Mother's Day. Especially that special kind that comes wrapped in a blue box with a striking white bow. It will be sure to put a smile on any mom's face. I thought this particular bracelet was simple yet added that nice dash of elegance.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mother's Day Hint #3

I don't know about you, but I just can't find the time to scrap book. I have the best intentions. However, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I think this would be a perfect Mom's Day gift. The best part is that you can leave it out on display. I found this particular one at Shutterfly.

Beebee Mod

I've never ventured onto Esty despite a lot of bloggers mentioning the site and buying some terrific items. So, I thought I would take a look. The site is great and even more great is the desinger Beebee Mod. They have adorable onesies for babies that are really reasonable! Below are are just a few they have available. My favorite is the earth onesie which is made from organic cotton. Just go to the Etsy website and type in Beebee Mod.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Typical Conversation

This is how a typical conversation goes between me and Little J--who's 3. Keep in mind, he is infatuated with air conditioners for some reason.

LJ: Mommy, is our air conditioner on?
Me: No
LJ: Why?
Me: Because it has to be hot enough outside for me to turn it on.
LJ: Why does that house have an air conditioner?
Me: To keep cool in the summer time
LJ: Why are there so many air conditioners?
Me: Because people like to keep cool
LJ: Why?
Me: They don't want to be hot
LJ: Are air conditioners loud?
Me: Some are
LJ: Why?
Me: That's the way they were built.
LJ: Does Kimberly's (our neighbor) air conditioner stink?
Me: I don't think so.
LJ: Is it loud?
ME: I guess.
LJ: Why?
ME: (I'm totally getting tired of answering...) I don't know.
LJ: Is her air conditioner on?
ME: I don't know. You want a cookie?

So, you see, we could go on FOREVER talking about air conditioner--who knew they were sooo cool.

Friday, April 20, 2007

When I Grow Up I Want To Be....

I love these shirts from Beautiful Futures. Considering the events that have occurred the past week, I think we all need to purchase the last shirt. Beautiful Futures is having a contest right now where they will give your child a $2500 savings bond if they make your child's phrase "one day I will..." into a t-shirt.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little N Hates Food

I've tried EVERYTHING! Little N absolutley will not eat baby food. I've tried cereal, veggies, fruit and even tried making my own. He scowls, turns his head and presses his lips tightly together. I've forced the spoon in his mouth but that only works a couple of times. I've tried tricking him into laughing, and then I quickly shove the spoon in, but he catches on the next time. What do I do? He's six months old and I've been trying for two months. That' s right, TWO months. I mean he's gaining weight and is generally happy--he just won't eat. Very frustrating. Has anyone else experienced this? We go for his six month check-up on Monday, so maybe the Dr. will have some tips. But, would also like to hear any you guys have too!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mother's Day Hint #2

If the previous posts didn't catch your eye how about these fun whimsical household items. The 1st picture is from MacKenzie-Childs. If it would ever get back in stock I am so going to by this. The bottom two are from Neiman Marcus. I really think the cheese grater is quite adorable.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mother's Day Hint #1

Does anybody need any Mother's Day ideas. Hopefully somebody dear to my heart reads this blog and will get an amazing hint. These particular pieces are from David Yurman.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lets Go Swimming!!!

I thought I would expand on my sister's previous post and show these cute beach or swim bags. They are both from Koo Koo Bear Kids.

Elegant Baby

Check out what Elegant Baby has to offer all of you who frequent the beaches in the summer. They have these really cute robes and plates with sea horses, palms, sailboats and fish. They store also has towels, bags, and gift sets. The rubber ducks are also a cute added touch.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cherrybrook Kitchen

I found these wonderful cookie, cake, frosting, and pancake mixes out there for anyone with a food allergy. They are made by the company Cherrybrook Kitchen. It is very difficult to make a cake or even cookies for somebody with food allergies. These are so easy you just place the mix in the bowl and add milk or soy and a margarine alternative. So much easier than having to mess with doing a cake from scratch. Besides who has time really to do that. The cookies are great because you can freeze the mix for whenever you may need a safe snack for a b-day or school party.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kerri tagged us. I doubt S#1 will do this, so I will. And let me tell you, it took me FOREVER to do this. Whew, glad I'm done.

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Flying--I am a very nervous flier. I will fly, but I sweat a lot on the take-off and landing.
2. Something happening to my children.
3. Bad weather, aka tornadoes. I have to thank my dad for that one.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Me--seriously, I really crack myself up.
2. Alec Baldwin on 30 Rock. Hilarious
3. Kevin Dillon on Entourage, he plays Drama. Has anyone seen this guy this season? He's really funny.

Three Things I Love:
1. Napping
2. Reading before I go to bed
3. Traveling

Three Things I Hate:
1. Liars
2. Whining!!
3. People who think they are way way cooler than they really are.

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Measurements. Like, when people ask me, "How tall was he?", or "how big was the space". I have no clue what to tell people.
2. Paris Hilton. Why is she famous again?
3. text messaging--I really really have a hard time with this. I'm lame.

Three Things On My Desk:
1. Lamp
2. Swimsuit catalog
3. Little J's school directory.

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Blogging
2. Hoping Little N doesn't wake up from his nap for another 30 minutes
3. Looking out the window

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Hold and kiss my grandchildren
2. Go to Africa
3. Be a major influence in some one's life.

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Read super fast
2. Write a Motion for Summary Judgment (and a pretty good one if I do say so myself)
3. Wiggle my ears

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Dive
2. Roll my "r"'s when speaking Spanish.
3. Draw---anything! I can't draw to save my life!!!

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Your children
2. Pearl Jam
3. Your gut

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Negativity
2. President Bush (sorry, I don't trust the guy)
3. Hillary Duff

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to become more patient
2. How to cook--I'm kind of bad
3. Yoga

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Vanilla Oreos
2. Peppermint Ice Cream
3. Pad Thai

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Cosby Show
2. Family Ties
3. Facts of Life

Three Things I Regret:
1. Not going to college out of state
2. Being nicer when I was younger
3. Not getting to know my grandparents . I know they must have had such wonderful stories to tell.

O.K. I tag anyone who want to do this! Go for it.

I Need Your Help

My husband's cousin is graduating high school next month and I need help finding a gift for her. First of all, she has EVERYTHING a girl could want. Second, if she doens't already have it, she has the means and ways to get it. So, you see my problem. What do you get someone who has everything? I'm confused. I want to get her something that she will keep for a long time, and something that she will remember us by. She is going to college in the fall, and I think her choices are OU, SMU and Georgia--if this helps at all. What do you guys think? Cash, something monogrammed (but what? she isn't really all that "preppy"--more trendy), what???? I'm starting early because I don't want to wait until the last minute, you know? Any ideas are welcome!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Chez Ami

I went to a Chez Ami party last week and got my little girl this adorable dress. From the picture you can't tell that the straps and the fringe are black and white gingham. I've never ordered from them before so I hope they ship faster than Hollywood Baby.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Play Ball!!!

Baseball is now officially upon us. My oldest son has his 1st pitching machine game next week and we can't wait. He started with t-ball at the age of 4 and this will be his 2nd season with pitching machine. You can only imagine how many baseball pictures we have accumulated. I thought that this would be a cute way to display some of our favorites. I found these particular mats at Pottery Barn Kids. .

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Food Allergy T's

For those of you with children with food allergies or just know somebody who does, I found these adorable t's. They have t's for peanuts, eggs, dairy, and tree nuts. You can pick from the blue above or they also come in pink. I guess I'm going to have to get one of each.


Kate Spade has these adorable new bloomies for little babies. Are they not just the cutest? The top is from the days of the week bloomies and the zebra is from the Zoo Babies collection. The Zoo collection also has bottle warmers, blankets, and brag books. Ahh, if only I had a girl to buy for.......

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Easy Recipe

Having two young kids of my own, dinner time around my house is CRAZY!!! I know that a lot of you know what I go through around here. Little N HAS to be held at this time of night and is extremely whinny!!!--I have no idea why and I hope we out grow this REALLY soon. Little J is constantly sneaking out the door so he can play outside. I run out the door with Little N on my hip, chasing Little J has he's laughing all the way up the street. All of this, while I'm trying to cook a decent meal for my family. It's very stressful and tiring. Needless to say, I try to cook meals that don't require many ingredients and/or a lot of prep time. I know there are probably a lot of other moms out there who need a delicious quick meal for dinner time, so here goes:

  • 1 1/4 lb pork tenderloin
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 T black pepper
  • 2T Olive oil
  • 1/2 C low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/2 C dry red wine
  • Butterfly the tenderloin lengthwise--don't cut through. Spread the mustard and rub in pepper, pressing with flat of hand. Cut into 4 portions. In large nonstick skillet over medium heat, cook for 10 minutes, turn once. Transfer meat to a plate and tent with foil. To the pan--add chicken broth and wine over medium high, scraping up good bits. Go 8-10 mins until thick. Pour over meat, and season with salt. Serve immediately.

That's it! Extremely easy and really good. Who could ask for anything more?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

My Weekend in a Nutshell

Because I'm finding it awfully difficult lately to find a subject to blog about, I thought I would discuss my weekend. I'm sure most will find it pretty uneventful, but to me, it was kind of "action packed". Sad to say.
  • on Friday night I went to a wine tasting event with my two sisters and my parents. My parents bought the wine tasting at Little J's school auction. S#3 was in town from New York. Hubbies stayed at home with the children due to baby sitter issues we both had. It was pretty eventful....
  • Saturday I went to get a pedicure with S#1 and Bug #2. If you watch The Hills, I got the same color of polish that Lauren always has on her finger nails. Does this make me kind of sad and pathetic? In any event it was nice to sit in a chair without actually having to nurse someone or have to watch The Incredibles for the millionth time.
  • Sunday morning, went to brunch with S#3 before her flight back to New York this morning.
  • Sunday afternoon---Little N rolled over from back to front! Yeah Little N!
  • Sunday nap time--Little J thought he saw a "giant squid" in one of his books as I was reading to him. It wasn't, and I have no idea why he thought this or where on earth he has even heard or seen a giant squid.
  • Sunday, we went to a picnic with the kids. It was nice to let the kids run around, but I must say that the people there were kind of next time I will definitely have to try a new park.

So, there you have it. It sounds kind of lame, but trust me, my weekends are usually far more lame than this!