Kerri tagged us. I doubt S#1 will do this, so I will. And let me tell you, it took me FOREVER to do this. Whew, glad I'm done.
Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Flying--I am a very nervous flier. I will fly, but I sweat a lot on the take-off and landing.
2. Something happening to my children.
3. Bad weather, aka tornadoes. I have to thank my dad for that one.
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Me--seriously, I really crack myself up.
2. Alec Baldwin on
30 Rock. Hilarious
3. Kevin Dillon on
Entourage, he plays Drama
. Has anyone seen this guy this season? He's really funny.
Three Things I Love:
1. Napping
2. Reading before I go to bed
3. Traveling
Three Things I Hate:
1. Liars
2. Whining!!
3. People who think they are way way cooler than they really are.
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Measurements. Like, when people ask me, "How tall was he?", or "how big was the space". I have no clue what to tell people.
2. Paris Hilton. Why is she famous again?
3. text messaging--I really really have a hard time with this. I'm lame.
Three Things On My Desk:
1. Lamp
2. Swimsuit catalog
3. Little J's school directory.
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Blogging
2. Hoping Little N doesn't wake up from his nap for another 30 minutes
3. Looking out the window
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Hold and kiss my grandchildren
2. Go to Africa
3. Be a major influence in some one's life.
Three Things I Can Do:
1. Read super fast
2. Write a Motion for Summary Judgment (and a pretty good one if I do say so myself)
3. Wiggle my ears
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Dive
2. Roll my "r"'s when speaking Spanish.
3. Draw---anything! I can't draw to save my life!!!
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Your children
2. Pearl Jam
3. Your gut
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Negativity
2. President Bush (sorry, I don't trust the guy)
3. Hillary Duff
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to become more patient
2. How to cook--I'm kind of bad
3. Yoga
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Vanilla
Oreos2. Peppermint Ice Cream
3. Pad Thai
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Cosby Show
2. Family Ties
3. Facts of Life
Three Things I Regret:
1. Not going to college out of state
2. Being nicer when I was younger
3. Not getting to know my grandparents . I know they must have had such wonderful stories to tell.
O.K. I tag anyone who want to do this! Go for it.