Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Typical Conversation

This is how a typical conversation goes between me and Little J--who's 3. Keep in mind, he is infatuated with air conditioners for some reason.

LJ: Mommy, is our air conditioner on?
Me: No
LJ: Why?
Me: Because it has to be hot enough outside for me to turn it on.
LJ: Why does that house have an air conditioner?
Me: To keep cool in the summer time
LJ: Why are there so many air conditioners?
Me: Because people like to keep cool
LJ: Why?
Me: They don't want to be hot
LJ: Are air conditioners loud?
Me: Some are
LJ: Why?
Me: That's the way they were built.
LJ: Does Kimberly's (our neighbor) air conditioner stink?
Me: I don't think so.
LJ: Is it loud?
ME: I guess.
LJ: Why?
ME: (I'm totally getting tired of answering...) I don't know.
LJ: Is her air conditioner on?
ME: I don't know. You want a cookie?

So, you see, we could go on FOREVER talking about air conditioner--who knew they were sooo cool.


a. said...

Awww that's cute. Everyone will move onto another topic for the moment when cookies are mentioned!

hqm said...

Nice move! I will have to remember that the next time I am bombarded with questions!

Libby said...

Hee-hee, the "sooo cool" pun is very witty! (I must make a mental note about the cookie trick.)

CG said...

Funny...looks like you need to keep alot of cookies around..LOL

tulipmom said...

Where are the cookies for Mommy? She's the one who REALLY needs them after a day full of conversations like this :)

k e r r y said...

so cute!

CelinaJ said...

Hilarious! ...and the cookie trick was a great distraction!!!

Savvy Momma

tommie said...

sounds like my conversations around here....the two year's old favorite is .."Why come this is like ...fill in the blank with whatever is in her line of site.."

Why come?? Who says "Why come?" I have never said that in my life.

oh well..I am so using the cookie idea.

happy Monday

Kimba said...

Too cute, i'm with Libby, note to self!!!

SLC said...

LOL!! Love it. I can relate. ;-)
Cookies, candy, and horsies are AWESOME distractions.

Delaney Gates said...

Ha! My little guy is three as well, and I must admit that I too, have used the cookie trick! Too funny. :)

L said...

Sounds like you have quite the bright 3-year-old! As a teacher of 3s, I think that sometimes they develop infatuations with appliances (such as vacuum cleaners, blenders, air conditioners) because they're scared of them. This seems silly to us, but when you're smaller than an air conditioner, the thing invades your space completely! It's loud, big, sometimes has a smell, makes it cold and windy, and is something pre-schoolers have no control over. You could say something like, "One think I know about 3-year-olds is that sometimes they're scared of air conditioners. I know the air conditioner won't hurt you. And you know that Mommy always takes care of you when you're scared."

When I get stuck in the "why why whys," I sometimes say, "Well, what do you think?" More often than not, the little guys actually have an idea, or become better able to articulate their interest. And most of the time, it stops the "why why why" pattern. You could also just say, "Well, I'm glad you got to ask all of those questions. I'm done talking about air conditioners now. Let's make a plan for the next thing that we're going to play about or talk about."

L said...
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Sisters with Style said...

Thanks for the tips! I think they will be quite helpful--you sound like you really know what you're talking about!!