Monday, May 14, 2007

My Evening

Let me start by saying that Big H was not going to be home this evening because he's involved in a beach volleyball team. That's right, you read it right--beach volleyball. Anyway, we arrived home from swimming lessons around 5:15. (By the way at swimming lessons, it took me 10 minutes to get Little J in the car, while I was holding Little N.) We pull into the driveway. I turn around and look at Little J in the backseat. I say, "please go immediately inside, so I can start dinner.". He looks at me. I look at him. We both look at each other. I sigh. I get out and get Little N out of the car, then I walk around to Little J's side and let him out. We spend 10 minutes outside in the somewhat warm weather. I'm sweating at this point. I finally get him inside and start to prepare dinner.
I sit Little N in his highchair, knowing full well that my time is precious while Little N is not crying or whining. I take out the pork. I begin to prepare the pork. I'm starting to hear a little bit of whining from behind me. But, I keep working. I hear a full scale scream and whine and turn around and see Little J terrorizing Little N---I ask him to stop. He continues what he's doing. I'm still trying to prepare the pork; Little N is SCREAMING, Little J thinks it's funny, so he's running around like a chicken with its head cut off and laughing. I begin to cook the pork. Little N is still SCREAMING. I take a deep breath. I stop and take Little N out of the highchair and hold him. His screaming stops. I'm holding Little N on one hip, while cooking with my free hand.
At this point Little N is getting way to close and grabbing for the hot stove. So, I say f*** it and sit him in his highchair. Immediate screams from his mouth. The pork is not cooking as planned. Little N is still screaming!!! The damn screaming!!! The kitchen fills with smoke, all the while Little N is screaming. Did I mention that he was screaming??
I'm trying to figure out what is going on with the pork. More smoke fills the air. Little N is still doing his thing. All of sudden, Little J comes into the kitchen and says, "mommy, I pooped". What? Are you serious? Come on.
I take him to the bathroom. Clean up his mess. Little N is still crying, the whole house is filled with smoke at this point, and I'm wiping a butt with poop all over it!!! I can't take it!!!!
I have a mild breakdown and try to eat with Little N on my lap--still crying. Little J is running around without any pants or underwear, as I was too busy to put new underwear on.
At 6:15 Bit H rushes through the front door. (His game is at 6:30) Smoke is filling the house, Little N is cranky, Little J is going CRAZY and Bit H says not one word--not one damn word to me. He runs upstairs, changes and then leaves for his game. I think I look like shit and I'm pretty sure I feel like shit at this point and my husband just confirmed all of this to me.

Kids are now in bed. I now have a headache. Big H is now on my shit list.

Sorry. I just had to vent.


Sisters with Style said...

I'm surprised I didn't get a call in the midst of all this.

Hang in there tomorrow will be a better day I just know it.

~Niki~ said...

Usually a lurker. Come by and check out my blog and join my first contest ever! lol. I have very few entries, at this point.

a. said...

Oh I hate those days. You probably wanted to run out the door! I hope today is better!

Libby said...

Oh you poor thing, how maddening it must have been to see Big H(elp) walk in your front door and then walk back out again without stopping to lend a hand. Today will be better, do something nice for yourself this morning, you deserve it!

tulipmom said...

Talk about a major headache! Libby's right ... you earned it!!

Would it be mean to say I hope Big H's team lost?:)

Sisters with Style said...

Not mean at all to hope they lost. To give him some credit, he was more empathetic and nicer when he returned home from him game. So, he gained some points there:)

SLC said...

Awwww, evenings like that SUCK! I can relate.

Sarahviz said...

You definitely needed a big glass (bottle) of wine!

tommie said...

I hate days like that...but it must be something in the air.

It is nearly 6 and mine will be in bed and sleep by 7! Today has been a day where I have to remind myself I did want kids.

Head Hen said...

I'm sorry you had that day. I've had many a day where I cried and felt like I was a kid Mothering my kids.

And even my Mr. Wonderful can be a similar shit at times.

Your sister is RIGHT, tomorrow will be better. At least it won't be today! :)

k e r r y said...

As I was reading I could actually picture what you were dealing with. It sucks doesn't it???! I hate those kind of evenings! Today will be better and if it isn't then you need to join a beach volley ball team... or a "going to the spa to get away team"... and I'll join with you!

Elle Jay Bee said...

You crack me up!! I love how honest you are. Life really can be like that and sometimes you wish you could incinerate someone with a look!!LOL