Little N started Mother's Day Out on Tuesday and his first day was not all that good. First of all he's 8 months old in a room with toddlers around 12-15 months old. So, he's sitting there with toddlers walking around him. I'm sure they will want to push/hit him, which isn't their fault, they're toddlers. I don't know why he has to be in this room. Kind of concerns me but what are you going to do? Anyway, I write down his nap and bottle schedule for his teacher and tell her to just lay him in the crib come nap time and he'll fall asleep. She nods like she understands everything I'm telling her. I see the blank look on her face and realize she has no clue.
I come to pick him up and he only took 2 naps for 35 mintues each! Needless to say, he was exhausted. One teacher commented that Little N sure does have some lungs on him. I asked if he cried a lot and she said only when he was tired and hungry. Well, no shit. Duh?
Yesterday was much better. He took two naps and one was for an hour and a half. They said he seemed a lot more happy than the day before. That's always nice to hear. However, he doesn't go back until next Tuesday so we'll probably have to start from scratch again! Oh, well.
I go back to work next Tuesday--BOOOOO! But, I'm only working part-time and will be in the office only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I'll work the rest from home. Not a bad gig for an attorney.
I told book club that I would bring some fruit and dip to next week's meeting. I have no idea why I said this--I have no recipe! Dumb, I know. So, if you guys have any ideas please send along!