Thanks for the very first Tag, Little Cottage! I was pretty relieved to receive this tag seeing that I really had NOTHING to blog about today. This tag is from S#2, I think S#1 will be doing her list later. I tag
Kerry from More, More, More.
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? In the country, somewhere in New England
2.What's your favorite article of clothing? my tall boots
3.Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? teeth (you have to have good teeth)
4.What's the last CD that you bought? Curious George soundtrack
5.Where's your favorite place to be? traveling with Big H
6. Where is your least favorite place to be? grocery store
7.What's your favorite place to be massaged? feet
8.Strong in mind or strong in body? I think both, but most days I would say body.
9.What time do you wake up in the morning? around 7:00
10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? dishwasher
11.What makes you really angry? people who lie!
12.If you could play any instrument, what would it be? Probably the piano...
13. Favorite color? Don't really have one, but I do have a lot of black clothing, although that isn't my favorite color....
14.Which do you prefer...sports car or SUV? SUV---it makes me feel safe
15. Do you believe in an afterlife? yes
16.Favorite children's book? Goodnight Moon
17. What is your favorite season? Fall---I love the change that fall brings with it
18. Your least favorite household chore? laundry!!!
19.If you could have one super power, what would it be? Ability to be invisible--
20.If you have a tattoo, what is it? Sad to say I have a sun on my left shoulder blade--this was done during my wilder days in college--in fact I got in New, I wasn't drunk, shockingly.
21.Can you juggle? no.
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? Grandpa Jack
23. What's your favorite day? Saturday
24. What's in the trunk of your car? stroller, package of diapers
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? hamburger
Sunday, February 04, 2007